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Student leaders are elected at the end of Year 11 for the positions of Head Boy/Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl/Deputy Head Girl of the boarding house.

The Head Boy and Head Girl are members of the School’s Student, Staff Executive committee throughout Year 12. In addition, there are opportunities for senior students to develop their leadership skills by being a Tute captain in the boarding house.

I real­ly want to give back to this great com­mu­ni­ty in the board­ing house and at Pem­broke, I know this board­ing house real­ly well and how it func­tions, and I have good rela­tion­ships with the staff. If you have any ques­tions or requests you can always come to me — the same with home­sick­ness, we have all been there so this year for exist­ing and also new boys I would love to help in any way and espe­cial­ly by organ­is­ing fun activ­i­ties to dis­tract them…I have helped out oth­er boys with home­sick­ness and I know what it’s like.

– Charlie, Deputy Head Boy Campbell House, 2020